History of Civil
Sumber :

Teknik Sipil adalah ilmu teknik yang berkaitan dengan desain,konstruksi,dan
pemeliharaan lingkungan fisik dan bangunan,termasuk karya-karya seperti jalan,jembatan,kanal,bendungan,dan
bangunan. “Insinyur Sipil” pertama adalah seorang kewarganegaraan inggris,John
Smeaton pada 1761.
John Wesley Gunn dari Lexington menerima gelar teknik sipil pertama dari A
& M College (UK) pada tahun 1890. Dalam sejarah Insinyur sipir telah
menyelamatkan lebih banyak nyawa dibandingkan dokter dalam sejarah pengembangan
sistem,seperti air bersih dan sanitasi
Ribuan tahun yang lalu ketika piramida Maya dan kerajaan Mesir
dibangun,orang-orang merancang dan mengawasi pembangunan piramida haruslah
seorang insinyur. Para Insinyur dimasa lalu sering memecahkan masalah teknis
mereka menggunakan mekanik,material yang tersedia dan teknisi harian,dan mereka
sering bekerja pada area jangkauan mekanik, penemuan militer pada arsitektur,yang
berhubungan dengan estetika struktur dari disain dan bentuk keseluruhan dari
bentuk strukturnya.
Questions and Answers
(5W & 1H)
1. What is Civil
Engineering ?
Ø Civil Engineering is a professional
engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and built environment, including works like roads, bridges, canals, dams, and buildings.
2. Why is Civil Engineering needed in human life ?
Ø Civil Engineering is needed in
human life because civil engineering have saved more lives than all the doctors
in history – development of clean water and sanitation systems
3. Who was the first Civil Engineer ?
Ø The First “Civil Engineer” was an Englishman, John Smeaton
in 1761
4. Where was of a Civil Engineering degree ?
Ø The birth of civil engineering
degree in “State College” (UK)
5. When did John Wesley Gunn received a degree in Civil Engineering?
Ø John Wesley Gunn received a
degree in Civil Engineering in 1890, from A & M College (UK)
6. How do people know
Civil Engineering ?
Ø Civil Engineering was know from
the pyramids in Egypt
Verbal and Nominal Sentences
Nominal Sentences
Ø Civil engineering is
a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design , construction
, and maintenance of the physical and built environment , including works like roads
, bridges , canals , dams , and buildings .
First “Civil
Engineer” was an Englishman,John Smeaton in
1761.Fall of 1886,”State College” (UK) established civil engineering degree.
Verbal Sentences
Ø Civil Engineering is a professional
engineering discipline that deals with the
design,construction, and maintenance of the physical and built environment,including works like
roads,bridges,canals,dams,and buildings.
Ø Certainly, those endowed with the responsibility of devising ways
to solve the day to day problems of
construction, transportation, water irrigation, city planning were engineers.
Ø The engineers of the past often worked on technical
problems of their day by using mechanics, available materials and technicians
of the day and often worked in areas that ranged from mechanical, military
inventions to architecture, which involved the design of aesthetic structure
and the overall shape and form of structures.
John Wesley Gunn
of Lexington received first Civil Engineering
degree from A & M College (UK) in 1890.
Millennia ago when the pyramids of the
Mayan and Egyptian empires were building pyramids, the people designing and supervising
the construction of the pyramids must have been an engineer
Simple Past Tense
Ø First civil engineer was an Englishman, John Smeaton
S tobe O Noun
John Wesley Gunn of Lexington received first Civil Engineering degree from A & M
S V2 O K
College (UK) in 1890.
(Reason : tenses yang
digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang terjadi dimasa lampau dan waktu
terjadinya peristiwa itu telah diketahui.)
Present Perfect Tense
Ø Civil engineers have saved more lives than all the
doctors in history — development
S V3 induk kalimat
of clean water and sanitation systems.
anak kalimat
(Reason : menunjukkan
kalimat yg terjadi pd masa lampau dan masih terasa pengaruhnya hingga
Past Continuous Tense
Ø Millennia ago when the pyramids of the Mayan and
Egyptian empires were building
ad.time O tobe Ving
(Reason : tenses yang
digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang sedang terjadi, tetapi bukan sedang
terjadi sekarang, melainkan sedang terjadi "dulu", sudah lewat.)
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Ø The people designing and supervising
the construction of the pyramids must have been
S Ving Ving O
an Engineer.
(Reason : untuk
mengekspresikan suatu kejadian yg sudah dimulai dan sedang berlangsung di masa
lampau tapi saat ini sudah tidak terjadi lagi.)

Ø Active
John Wesley Gunn of Lexington received first Civil Engineering degree from A & M
Collage (UK) in 1890.
The first Civil Engineering degree from A
& M Collage (UK) was received by John Wesley
Gunn of Lexington in 1890.
Millennia ago when the pyramids of the Mayan and Egyptian empires were building pyramids
Pyramids were being
building by millennia ago when the pyramids of the Mayan and Egyptian
Sumber : www.engineeringcivil.com/history