MICI ARISANTA 1622201116
KURNIAWAN 1622201091
TAHUN AJARAN 2016/2017
1. What is the meaning of Memo?
Memorandum is a note, document or other communications that help the memory by recording events or observations on a topic,
such as may be used in a business office.
2. What is the
different official memo and unofficial memo?
Official memo is memo to someone within the
scope of the formal such companies, schools, and also an institution. And unofficial memo can be
written by anyone and does not need to use kon
3. What is stated in
the memo?
Opening Segment
Summary Segment
Discussion segment
Closing Segment
What is the characteristic of
the shape Memo?
§ Special letters are made specifically for the purpose in the
office or organization
§ Judging from the circulation , an office or organization may submit
a memo horizontally and vertically
§ Submission is horizotal a memo to the delivery office which has the
§ Submission is a submission vertically memo from superiors to
subordinates or otherwise to remind or ordered something
§ Is a form of communication that give advice , referrals , or
illumination about something
§ Have a piece of mail that is much simpler than the official letter
in general , especially in the letter .
§ Due to the limited , scrap usually do not include the identity of
the office , such as office name , phone number , fax , and postal code , The
characteristics of the form of scrap Form of scrap consists of two parts:
5. Who can write a Memo?
Anybody can write a Memo, either official or unofficial.
Why should you use a
business memo?
Because a business memo is an
appropriate type of communication to use when making company announcements such
as an employee promotion. Companies
also use the business memo to welcome new employees who will fill a vital role
in the organization. The business memo documents the important announcement.
Email can serve as the delivery method for a memo, but the memo should be
written in a formal business format. Business memos can also announce a new
product line for the company. Management can also send out a business memo to
announce that the business hit a target or goal. Other company announcements
may include holiday parties, new benefit programs, stock information or the
acquisition of a new client.
7. When do people use Memo?
People use a memo in the Organization to
report results, to instruct employees, to announcing the policy, to disseminate information and to delegate
8. Where do you use Memo?
We use a Memo in colleague, in company, in the house, in office, etc.
How do people write a Memo?
This is step by step we write a Memo :
at the top of the page.
Address the
recipient appropriately.
Add additional
recipients in the CC line.
Write your name
in the “From” line.
Include the
Choose a
specific phrase for the subject line.
Format the
heading properly.
Properly Secara cepat
Derived Berasal
Abbreviated yang
Rigidly dengan
Considered Mempertimbangkan
Firms Perusahaan-perusahaan
Opposed Menentang
Complaint Keluhan
Authorized Berwenang
Till Sampai
Important Penting
Upward Keatas
Method Metode
Judging Menilai
Articulation Artikulasi
Submission Pengajuan
Subordinates Bawahan
Superior Unggul
Otherwise Jiika
Remid Mengigatkan
Recipient Penerima
Appropriately Tepat
Additional Tambahan
Include Memasukkan
Equivalet Setara
Referrals Arahan
Postal Code kode pos
Kon Letter kon surat
Vital Role Peran Penting
Neither tidak
Fill Mengisi
Employee Karyawan
Either Salah seorang
Acuisition Akuisisi
Disseminate Menyebarluaskan
To: Dian
please bring Indonesia language pack book
that you borrowed yesterday.
Thank you.
Untuk : Dian
Besok bawa buku paket bahasa Indonesia yang kamu pinjam kemarin ya.
Terima kasih.
To: Mom
I went to
Rinto’s home to learn together. I‘ll be home before dinner.
Untuk : Ibu
Aku pergi ke rumah Rinto untuk belajar bersama. Aku akan pulang sebelum
makan malam.
Sample Memo to Customers
To: Customers
of Chloe’s Cupcakes
From: Dan Lionel, Public Relations Liaison
Date: May 12, 2012
Subject: Publication of
Nutrition Facts
Due to extensive customer feedback, we at Chloe’s Cupcakes would
like to demonstrate our commitment to making healthy choices by publishing
nutrition information for all of our baked goods. Although our stores would not
be required by law to provide the nutrition facts of our products, we agree
that customers should have access to as much information as they desire before
making a purchase.
We are confident that that you, the customer, will feel better
about choosing Chloe’s Cupcakes once you are aware of these facts. We are
committed to use the best locally grown ingredients in our baked goods, and we
freshly prepare all of our desserts each morning. Moreover, we have a line of
vegan treats that substitute some of the highest-calorie ingredients in
non-vegan goods with healthier options—while still delivering great flavor. For those customers who are looking to
splurge, we have an exquisite selection of decadent treats too, including our
famous crème brûlée macaroon sundae.
All of our nutrition information will be available online, along
with a list of ingredients and possible substitutes for those with dietary
restrictions. We will also provide pamphlets in stores with the same
information, to be updated periodically. As it is cumbersome to obtain accurate
nutritional analyses of handmade food products, we are unable to guarantee
access to nutritional information for seasonal flavors and promotional items.
Dan Lionel
Sample Memo to Boss
To: Joe
Campos, VP of Sales
From: Kate Chaplain, Senior Sales Associate
Date: April 5, 2013
Subject: Quarterly Review
Mr. Campos,
I’ve attached my quarterly review report to this email, but I also
wanted to quickly discuss the trends I’ve noticed in our sales data over the
past few months.
We’ve sold over 10,000 new memberships over the past quarter,
which is a 22% increase from Q4 of last year. Our data analysis shows that this
upswing corresponds with the creation of company pages on various social media
sites, including Facebook and Twitter, which allows more people to connect with
us virtually. In fact, over half of our new memberships were purchased from
links that were posted on our Facebook and Twitter profiles.
We’ve also had an 82% renewal rate in memberships that were set to
expire in Q1. This is 16% higher than our renewal rate in Q4, which suggests
that our new program—having sales associates contact members directly about
renewing their memberships—is working even better than we had expected.
Unfortunately, we haven’t seen the same rapid growth in the
purchase of family memberships. While the number of FMs has increased by 2% over
last quarter’s numbers, I believe we can get that number even higher. I’ve
listed some suggestions in my report, but I would also like to add it to the
agenda for our quarterly review meeting later this week.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Kate Chaplain
Senior Sales Associate
Body Rock Fitness
Sample Memo to Coworkers
To: All Staff and Interns
From: Ana Lucily, Executive Assistant to the President
Date: July 15, 2012
Subject: Dishes in the Sink
It has come to our attention that there has been a pile of
unwashed dishes that accumulates in the sink by the end of each week. It has
gotten so bad that washing one’s hands in the kitchen sink becomes an
uncomfortable undertaking. Therefore, we are introducing a new policy that
mandates that employees wash their dishes as soon as they are done with them,
keeping the sink clear for other uses.
If you do not have the time to wash your lunch container or coffee
mug, leave it by your desk until you are ready to wash it. Even two or three
dirty plates will encourage every person thereafter to leave their unwashed,
food-stained dishes and silverware in the sink. Conversely, studies have shown
that when a sink is empty, people are more likely to wash their dishes
Thank you for your cooperation!
Ana Lucily
To: Mary
McGee, Alistair Warwranka, George Lipton
CC: Dorothy Barrie
From: The Boss
Date: June 1, 2006
Re: Need for New Memo Format
I’ve noticed that we don’t seem to
be able to communicate important changes, requirements and progress reports
throughout the company as effectively as we should. I propose developing one
consistent memo format, recognizable by all staff as the official means of
communicating company directives.
While I know this seems like a
simple solution, I believe it will cut down on needless e-mail, improve
universal communication and allow the staff to save necessary information for
later referral.
Please talk among yourselves to
determine the proper points of memo writing and return the input to me by 12
noon. I will then send out a notice to the entire staff regarding the new memo
Thank you for your prompt
attention to this.
Directive Memo
To: All Staff
From: The Boss
Date: June 1, 2006
Re: New Memo Format Effective June 1
In order to make interoffice
communications easier, please adhere to the following guidelines for writing
effective memos:
Clearly state the purpose of the
memo in the subject line and in the first paragraph.
Keep language professional, simple
and polite.
Use short sentences.
Use bullets if a lot of
information is conveyed.
Proofread before sending.
Address the memo to the person(s)
who will take action on the subject, and CC those who need to know about the
Attach additional information:
don’t place it in the body of the memo if possible.
Please put this format into
practice immediately. We appreciate your assistance in developing clear
If you have any questions, please
don’t hesitate to call me. Thank you.
Technical Memo
To: The Boss
From: Sue Masterson
Date: May 15, 2007
Re: Update on the T-12 Phase Three testing
As we enter Phase Four of the T-12 testing, I
wanted to provide a progress overview of the Phase Three testing.
PT. Ahyari Network
Jl. Banua Anyar No.37 Banjarmasin
Dari: Direktur
Kepada: Supervisor Salesman
Mohon dikumpulkan rekapan pencapaian target minggu pertama bulan
November untuk rapat bersama tanggal 17 November 2015 nanti.
Banjarmasin, 10 November 2015
Ahyari S.Farm., Apt.
Komplek Perkantoran Gagas Permai
Mohon Bapak bisa mengantikan saya dalam rapat di Aula SKB Dinas Pendidikan Tanah Laut, pada:
Hari: Selasa
Tanggal: 27 Oktober 2015
Pukul: 09.00 WITA – Selesai
Tempat: Aula SKB Dinas Pendidikan Tanah Laut
Acara: Sosialisasi Sertifikasi Guru Tahun 2016
Komplek Perkantoran Gagas Permai
Mohon Bapak bisa mengantikan saya dalam rapat di Aula SKB Dinas Pendidikan Tanah Laut, pada:
Hari: Selasa
Tanggal: 27 Oktober 2015
Pukul: 09.00 WITA – Selesai
Tempat: Aula SKB Dinas Pendidikan Tanah Laut
Acara: Sosialisasi Sertifikasi Guru Tahun 2016
Mohon agar dipenuhi rapat tersebut dengan baik. Terima kasih
Tanah Laut, 15 Oktober 2015
Tanah Laut, 15 Oktober 2015
Kepala Sekolah
Drs. Spaidermen S.Pd., M.Pd., M.Si.
Drs. Spaidermen S.Pd., M.Pd., M.Si.